How to Control pests and plant disease Beans

How to Control pests and plant disease Beans

Chickpea is a kind of nuts that are usually treated as a vegetable, it tastes delicious ukup accompanied with high nutritional value in them. The plant is also known by the latin name Phaseolus Vurgalis L this is the plant vines, so growth will spread to various places, for maximum results then needed the grant wood as a place.
Although easy cultivation occurring, but it turns out that this plant is particularly vulnerable to a wide range of pests and diseases as well, such as:
Leaf beetle, beetle leaf very vulnerable attack by way of consuming some parts of leaves to a hollow, if this continues to be left then the growth of pea beans will be disturbed. There are countless ways to cope with it ranging from the most traditional to the modern enough, that is, with how to kill larvae or grubs are already visible, but if you think this is hard then
the next solution is to use organic pesticide derived from a mixture of ginger, cayenne pepper, garlic, citrus leaves and sambiroto.
Peanut flies, animals this one is also the same with beetle leaf brands will take part and make it with wholes are, attack of the peanut flies not only interfere with the same growth but can make plants become stunted and die, if it is like this surely you are going to lose out, the fix also equal the beetle leaves that is using organic pesticide.
Penggarek leaves, animals this one doesn't attack the leaves, but rather to the seed beans a young so make it hole, penggarek leaves will cause you loss because the beans become not worth selling, use organic pesticide spray for a few times on a regular basis to resolve it.
Antraknosa, the disease is characterized by small brown spots on pods or seeds of beans, the longer will be blackened and makes the plant into a dead, the fix is to choose the seeds are really good before deciding to plant it, because with a good seed will be resistant to antraknosa.
Dew flour, the disease is characterized by a good part of each leaf, stem, flower and fruit also change color to white greyish. If left will cause the plant to become dry and die, the trick by removing and burning parts of the stricken so that it cannot spread to the others.
Mosaic virus, the virus will make the leaves become frizzy. The ends of the leaves become curly will this yellowing stem growth and making the running down of normal plants, consequently not be dwarfed by the results that is not optimal, way to address it is by spraying organic pesticide.

In addition there are many kinds of diseases that could potentially attack the crop beans.

How to cope with diseases on the crop of spinach

How to cope with diseases on the crop of spinach
Spinach is one of the vegetables that are taken to be consumed and the leaves have a scientific name Amaranthus spp. Plants originated in tropical America and is renowned as one of the plants with a high source of iron and it is important for the body especially for pregnant women. In cultivation it has and, if not treated properly, then these plants will be vulnerable to pests and disease.

The pest is usually attacked the plant spinach is the Caterpillar of the leaf. Plusia spodoptera hymnea can lead to plant spinach has a hole on the leaves. His way is to use pesticides or shake the plants. When do the spraying, should use the long shirt and trousers with sneakers booth and do not forget to use a mask to avoid poisoning due to pesticide use.

Other regular pest attacks the spinach and his ways are:

Insect Myzuz persicae aphids or Thrips sp. This Pest can damage the leaves, making it hollow and made it wither. His way by spraying pesticides or shake the plant in the morning so that the ticks hitang.
Polyphagotarsonemus latus or Tungai that can make the damaged leaves, wilting and perforated. How to control with pesticides or shake the plant.

The disease usually attacks the disease leaves are leaves or leaf spot stains. Spinach exposed to this disease will have a Brown stain on the leaves and will crush the leaves. The disease is caused by the lack of element Mn. Control that can be done is by spraying Dithane M-45 with a dose of 1.5 to 2 g/l on plants that have not been stricken, use multitonik.

Prevention can be done by giving the chalk when cultivate the soil that will be used to plant spinach so that the soil does not lack elements of Mn.

How to Control pests and diseases on crops Carrot

How to Control pests and diseases on crops Carrot

The carrot is a type of plant of the genus Daucus biennical plants, namely plants, which have a life cycle of about 12-24 months. This plant is a large deposit of carbohydrates that are used for growing and flowering in the second year. Carrots have a flower stem can grow up to 1 m with flowers that are white. This plant is good for keeping the famous eye health because they contain vitamin A.

Pests and diseases could threaten the growth of plants and the results are not the maximum. Caterpillar soil is one of the pests that attack the carrots. Agrotis ipsilon scientific named animal Hufn or called by the name of hileud or Nilgiri uler taneuh or these cutworms are brown to black with a length of about 4-5 hiding underground.

The characteristics of the plant affected by this pest is a young carrot plant will wither and droop. For his is done by taking the worms manually in the morning or during the day,

Maintain the cleanliness of the garden and also crop plants. Control by means of the chemical insecticide Indofuran type 3 g or 3 g Furadan when planting.

Other pests that typically attack the carrot:

Or aphids Aphis spp. Pest is under leaves or on the tops of the plants. Plants that have been affected by this pest will make the leaves curl and abnormal. His way is to set the time planting together in 1 stretch of land.
A fly or a magot or Psila rosae which can lead to plant carrots perforated and does not look good. Control by means of planting or crop with insecticides Fizz 2.5 EC.

The disease usually attacks the carrot is cercospora leaf spot caused by the fungus cercospora carotae (pass) solheim. If the plant is exposed to this disease of the carrot, then the leaves will arise brown spots or there is a white field on the outskirts of the patches. Control can be done as follows:

Disinfection of seeds using a solution of copper chloride with fungicide 1/mill for 5 minutes.
Crop planting with crops that are not se-family with carrots.
Clean the rest of the plants around the garden.
Spraying fungicides for example with Dithane M-45 0.2%.

Other carrot diseases and how to handle:

Nematodes rhizobia caused microorganism types of nematodes root and tuber thus sista be malformed and there are bumps that are abnormal. His way by doing a rotation crop with other kinds of plants that are not se-family or no family, the grant of land and use nematisida for example Rhocap 10 G or 10 G of Rugby.
Spoilage caused by alternaria fungus Alternaria dauci Kuhn. The leaves are small colored patches are dark brown to black and yellow green color. Seed disinfection e.g. with control for 5 minutes using a solution of copper chloride with fungicide 1/miles.

Plant pests and how to overcome it

Plant pests and how to overcome it.
There are some wines that are plant pests attacking specific parts of this plant. Here are a few types, and how to resolve it:

The termites attack the newly growing cuttings, or unhealthy trees. Often emerges from the manure if fertilizer is less ripe.
Can be controlled by planting vine cuttings in sand.
Can also use pesticides made from whole mimba with measure 100 g/plant, or contact insecticide 1-2 g/l.

Caterpillar pouch

Damaging the leaves by making it hollow. Living in a cocoon.
Can be controlled with systemic pesticides in leaf, made from whole mimba 30 g/l of water.

Leaf beetle

Black/brown colour, damaging the vines at night, during the day and hide in the ground.
Controlled by placing a light or other lighting tools for trap, then spray with pesticides.


You can sprinkle the porridge California or Bordo in leaves, and use a systemic pesticide of sulfur.


Attack the branches and stems that are less, so that the mucus has occurred and then wilted.
Controlled by pruning the affected part and set it on fire.
Former hole stopper using a powder seed mimba.

Other animals

For example mice, bats, birds, etc.
Fix by wrapping fruit almost ripe with paper.
Pairs of nets beneath para-para.
Install lights near the plant.

Plant disease and His Wines

In addition to many pests, diseases that can also be experienced by the vines, especially attacking the specific section, for example:
Downy Mildew (Dew Hairy)

Attacking in the rainy season and very quickly spread.
The symptoms, on top of leaves blemishes greenish yellow, and extending so Brown. At the bottom of this layer there are patches of white flour.
When attacking the fruit, rotten tomatoes and brownish black, like the crust.
Controlled by reducing moisture in the garden, prune branches that are diseased, wearing a plastic roof, using Slurry fungsida Bordo, planting Isabella, Delaware, Tegal and black.

Powdery Mildew

A fungus that attacks the leaves and fruit in the transition from the dry to the wet.
The symptoms in the leaves, there is an increasingly widespread white flour, Brown, and dismissed the leaves. When attacking the fruit make it white, so Brown warty, then crimped.
Handled by pruning the leaves and spread fungsida-mankozeb and karbendazim.

Leaf Rust

Occurs in old leaves, at the bottom of the leaves there is a flour orange red ripe sapodilla fruit to its spores.
If severe, the whole surface of the leaves are covered with spores, making her loss.
Pruning, burning leaves, and use a fungicide Benomyl and Mankozeb is the way to control it.

Rotten Fruit

Attack the fruit will be ripe, marked skin tissue in the breaks, and then mengkerut.
Controlled with throw rotten fruit, sanitation, and use fungicides Maneb and Zineb.

Roll The Leaves

The leaves are so symmetrical and not smaller than normal leaves.
The plant is destroyed instantly, and then keep the potassium content in soil

Thus some types of pests and disease that usually strikes the vines. may be useful.

Here's How To Control Pests And Rubber Plant Disease

Here's How To Control Pests And Rubber Plant Disease

Rubber plant as other plants, rubber plantations also did not escape from attack or disruption of pests. This pest attacks need to be addressed immediately so that the plant can grow lush and maximum
productivity. Now for more details the disorder or disease or pest attacks and his manner can be listened here.

Here's How To Control Pests And Rubber Plant Disease
There are many kinds of pests that become enemies of rubber plants start when planting nursery stage to the production stage. This also includes the pest is difficult to be controlled are:
Pests Rats (Rattus spp.)
These pests include the longest pests attack plants, this pest becoming ardent foes for the farmers of rubber. "This pest has emerged from the nursery stage, nurseries, pest is already troubling because meruak plants with consuming on the leaves and seeds of plants which are still small.
How To Control
To control this pest by means of protecting with guarding and close to meeting with wire gauze it is aimed so that the rats could not ruin it.
Pest Grasshoppers
In time the seedbed in addition to pest rodents, there are also other pests such as locusts. Why do grasshoppers including the enemy for farmers, since this can damage the locust gum plant at the nursery by eating young leaves. However the insect it can be dangerous because it includes very eve or greedy. Do not hesitate when easy leaves is up to these pests also eat the leaves of the old one.

How To Control
To control this pest can be done by spraying with insecticide Thiodan, types of use for spraying can be done every 1-2.
Pest Snail (Achatina fulicd)
At the time of breeding pests can also create problems for farmers, since these pests love to eat the leaves of rubber at the site of the nursery. Due to this pest attack symptoms will seen on the leaves of the will be broken. On the leaves there are broken strands of colored  shiny which is the trail of the snail.
How To Control
To control this pest can be done mechanically by means of collecting these pests to keep from the rubber plant. And with the chemical formula by making the poison from a mixture of bran, lime, cement and meradex. By dissolving this bran moistened in advance by way of a little water and then placed on the area of the nursery.
Uret Soil Pests
This pest is the larvae of several types of beetles such as the Helotrichia and the Helotrichia rufajlava. These pests have characterized as the letter C by having a white color to tend to a pale yellow. This includes pest pest that can harm because they can eat at the rubber plant in the ground.
How To Control
For pest control this by sprinkling the types of Furadan 3 G. For mechanically can be done by collecting the pest and then set it on fire. And while chemically can be done by sprinkling the furadan 3 gatau diazinon

10 G, or Basudin 10 G of rubber around the tree.
Termite Pests
As for termites that become pests to plant rubber, teruma species type Microtermes. I and Captotermes c. Typically this termite will gnaw the seeds just planting at soil. Termite is quite dangerous because the tampered from the tip of the root, then to stum attack this impact damage will be very severe.

How To Control
For pest control can be mechanical, technical culture with da chemically. In the technical culture of the tip slightly above the eye to stum wrapped by using plastic this is so the termites didn't eat it. Chemically can be done by spraying a solution of insecticide on the rubber stem.
Pest Infestation
For this type of mite that become plant pests Saissetia nigra is rubber, Laccifer greeni. Types of ticks planococcus dark brown body covered by a sort of smooth glossy colored wax. The lice are becoming the main enemy because of the rubber tree by way of sucking up liquid on young leaves by way of poking into certain sections.
How To Control
For pest control, this can be done by spraying using insecticides that corresponds to a dose that has been recommended.