How to Control pests and plant disease Beans

How to Control pests and plant disease Beans

Chickpea is a kind of nuts that are usually treated as a vegetable, it tastes delicious ukup accompanied with high nutritional value in them. The plant is also known by the latin name Phaseolus Vurgalis L this is the plant vines, so growth will spread to various places, for maximum results then needed the grant wood as a place.
Although easy cultivation occurring, but it turns out that this plant is particularly vulnerable to a wide range of pests and diseases as well, such as:
Leaf beetle, beetle leaf very vulnerable attack by way of consuming some parts of leaves to a hollow, if this continues to be left then the growth of pea beans will be disturbed. There are countless ways to cope with it ranging from the most traditional to the modern enough, that is, with how to kill larvae or grubs are already visible, but if you think this is hard then
the next solution is to use organic pesticide derived from a mixture of ginger, cayenne pepper, garlic, citrus leaves and sambiroto.
Peanut flies, animals this one is also the same with beetle leaf brands will take part and make it with wholes are, attack of the peanut flies not only interfere with the same growth but can make plants become stunted and die, if it is like this surely you are going to lose out, the fix also equal the beetle leaves that is using organic pesticide.
Penggarek leaves, animals this one doesn't attack the leaves, but rather to the seed beans a young so make it hole, penggarek leaves will cause you loss because the beans become not worth selling, use organic pesticide spray for a few times on a regular basis to resolve it.
Antraknosa, the disease is characterized by small brown spots on pods or seeds of beans, the longer will be blackened and makes the plant into a dead, the fix is to choose the seeds are really good before deciding to plant it, because with a good seed will be resistant to antraknosa.
Dew flour, the disease is characterized by a good part of each leaf, stem, flower and fruit also change color to white greyish. If left will cause the plant to become dry and die, the trick by removing and burning parts of the stricken so that it cannot spread to the others.
Mosaic virus, the virus will make the leaves become frizzy. The ends of the leaves become curly will this yellowing stem growth and making the running down of normal plants, consequently not be dwarfed by the results that is not optimal, way to address it is by spraying organic pesticide.

In addition there are many kinds of diseases that could potentially attack the crop beans.